Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ernest's half brother oxboro's - look at you looking at me aka "Look at you"  or the Lone ranger.  The only pup that survived a devastating infection and caused many tears and much heartache.  He is nearly E's twin and both look like their dad "uthant".  

Have you met my little bruddar?  He comes from another mother, but we look a lot like our pops.


Even as a puppy he was bossy.

I am with him and Phracey and other assorted relations in the 509. So far we have broken the washing machine, harassed sheep!, turned up the AC and caused general mayhem.  I love being here.

ernest puppy to the rescue

1 comment:

World of Animals, Inc said...

It's great to meet your new brother. You both look so great together. You were being so good waiting till their done eating. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend.
World of Animals