A blog by a basset hound named Ernest puppy who is making the lives of two people in Seattle very happy and one day hopes to run for public office.
Curious. Perhaps she should stop telling people that they won the EU lottery. I kid, I kid. I wouldn't feel too bad. My e-mail program's spam filter thinks Barack Obama is spamming me no matter how much I tell it otherwise. Jerks.wally.
No way! How does that happen? How can a blog be spam?Confused of Berkshire....
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Curious. Perhaps she should stop telling people that they won the EU lottery. I kid, I kid.
I wouldn't feel too bad. My e-mail program's spam filter thinks Barack Obama is spamming me no matter how much I tell it otherwise. Jerks.
No way! How does that happen? How can a blog be spam?
Confused of Berkshire....
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