Friday, July 06, 2007

Picture of my halfs, courtesy Joe Gonyeau.

Those are my half brothers.

Are they not cute? got an email from my Mama Stephanie asking if we were going through Dallas anytime soon and would we be willing to transport said tiny dog. said sure, we would make a special trip (TH mom needs the miles), but could not guarantee dog would not end up in bunker being groomed for vice president.

Here are more pictures of them and they do stack well. I am concerned that there are some gratuitious booty shots of one of them and so young!


ernest who is sixteen months old today


Kerrio said...

transport... where exactly? *innocent look*

The pup at the very bottom left looks a LOT like Jackson did at that age.

I think I might want one.


Dandy Duke said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww they're so adorable! Look at that hiney! hehehehe
Happy 16 month birthday Ernest!

Love ya lots,

wally said...

I see one has already gone on the offensive against the goddamn cats. We need more dogs with that kind of initiative.


Sophie Brador said...

Bassett puppies are the ultimate in cute!

Happy 16 months E! You rock, little dog.