In my absence from the blogging scene all sorts of things have happened and not of all of them good. My mom went to the bridge and hopefully, Wally is being the gentleman that I knew him to be.
I have been working on the video portion of this blog. My mom is taking lots of video of me jumping on the couch and sleeping on it to show the decorator who will reupholster the couch. Take that decorator! Almost as good as the gorilla and the samsonite!
Here I am being particularily adorable and out of focus.
Am I not still the cutest?
Right now, I am the hungriest.
over and out, ernest basset couch tester
ERNEST! It is quite good to see you again.
We are very sorry to hear about your mudder. We are certain that our brudder is being a gentleman because he was mostly prone to the ungentlemanly behavior with the boy dogs. Especially Oscar Bean.
We thought of you recently when we posted pictures of Wally in Seattle. Our ape is nostalgic for Seattle and most tired of the east coast and the stupid snow.
The Sheps w/Pep and Otis the POTUS
Ernest Puppy Paws! You will always be the cutest. ALWAYS. So sorry to hear about your mom. I bet Wally and her and having a blast. Probably roaching and blowing raspberries and talking about how awesome you are.
We are contemplating a x-country trip this summer. Not sure if we will go as far as the west coast, but mom would love love love to. She misses it.
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