My N. mom left again today. I'm missing her, but I'm being kind to Taller mom. I took her on a long walk and then tried to cheer Aunt B. up today with my speckled belly.
I wish I could cheer up everyone in the world. I have lots of speckles and wrinkles and people always seem to smile when they see me. That makes me happy. I may look sad, but I'm really quite a happy puppy.
I wonder if that will help me in my run for the presidency.
It is hot here. I hope it cools down soon.
e. dd
It is really hot here as well. Yesterday Mom said the temps were in the triple digits! We had our walk very early so that we would not become overheated. I walked with Great Great Grandma Egret.
Our half sister came here on Wednesday night. She is very FAT! Mom has her on a diet and she has to walk. Yesterday I chased her for about 1/4 of mile until she went flat (that is an oxymoronic statement). Today she made a full mile before she collapsed.
When you come to visit we both can chase her!
It is 32 degrees and snowing in Barrow. I know the password of my mom's fat Alaska Airlines accounts. We can book some tickets for everyone and they won't even notice.
Coach, though, there is no first class from Fairbanks to Anchorage.
Please drink you water and eat cherry tomatoes and strawberries to keep hydrated.
I saw that it hit 108 in goldendale.
My mom lets us run through the sprinkler! It is great fun but Jedi lays on it and hogs all the water. We do have the airconditioning running. That is wonderful.
Fat Zelda actually ran for about 10 feet today. She really has a problem with the heat. We have our morning walks very early to try to beat the worst of it. We also only walk 1/2 mile.
I bet is very cold. We have an uncle who lives in North Pole Alaska! Maybe we could visit him
The Princess in waiting
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