Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
I'm with my sister, half brothers, mom and dad in Goldendale. I miss my moms, but I know that I will be back to terrorize them soon.
Here's hoping that all my friends and foes have a great Christmas/Festivus and a Happy New Year. My moms are running off to Italy to bring me back pasta (my favorite food in the world) and hopefully come back with some bonios and discuss mannerist architecture and its relationship to gelato flavors.
I'm sure Mama Stephanie will provide them with Ernest updates to update all of you.
ernest who is still trying to determine the fine line between naughty and nice
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
While I am in Goldendale, keeping the troops amused and working on my campaign, my mom's are doing some clean up of their Emails. found this sent by my when I was a tiny basset baby boy:
B is for basset, alone in his car
O is for opening, a window's worth safe him to keep
R is for raspberries, to keep him amused
E is for entertainment, delivered right there
D is for dish, with water and ice
- June 23, 2006
I think they should keep their day jobs of keeping ecosystems functioning and visualized and tidal waves from sweeping bassets off the beach. What do you think?
e is for ernest who is running for election
Saturday, December 15, 2007
For all you waiting for my card, its coming. My card was stuck behind the big flood in Washington state for eight days.
If you still want a non denominational ernest the puppy is not going to pester you into voting for him until a bit later; but let us rejoice in the season card - please send me an email at
ernestpuppy AT gmail DOT (not DOG), communist (com).
My moms have friends that worked for dot.communists and now sit on their rears all day eating bonbons and reading mysteries. They (the moms) are not bitter in the slightest.
No siree.
Other than that, I found the perfect present today for my mama Stephanie!
I would share it with you, but I know Phracey reads this blog religiously, but non denominationally and I don't want to give it away.
It is so cool. I believe Papa Joe and Mama Stephanie will fight over it like the moms do with the heating pad.
ernest working his way back to you babe
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
These are the sibs, a SUMD (Timmy the flat coated retriever) and Nobel Spot. They better be ready for a real man dog coming their way soon! Ernest who is happy to be home (sort of, its boring here) is going to descend upon Rancho Oxboro soonly.
I cannot believe that not only is my beautful sissy in the house, but so is Lola! and Spot! and Timmy! I cannot wait to hide behind Timmy.
Ernest, who waits in the dark of the house for his peeps to come rescue him and plug back in the Christmas lights
Friday, December 07, 2007
Word to my who is now a doctor and she owes it all to this doode, Henry Stommel. Okay, not really, but alot of his ideas made her more curious than a basset hound who is wondering where his roasted acorn squash is.
I am not due for any shots right now, but can she administer them if need be?
Am I supposed to call her something else?
Will she be too busy to take me for a walk?
Oh the ponderables.
ernest who could be doctoring up some squash now
Monday, December 03, 2007
Due to Alaska Airlines mechanical delays on my n.moms flight, I am to be released on good behavior tomorrow.
Free ME!
Actually, I am going to miss my pal, Rocky. He's a basset/German shepherd mix and everyone says that we're the two coolest dudes in lockdown. He looks like a shepherd, but on short legs. I'm going to ask if we can get one of our own.
ernest who is going over and over and over again
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Lockdown update:
It has snowed here. I am okay. Its almost gone.
My new roommate is a basset mix named Rocky. We are getting along like Cheney and the NRA.
Its nice to jump over someone my size.
My sissy is under storm alert 2007. Apparently the snow is so deep in the 509, she's tunneling her way out. It better be snowing when I arrive for Christmas.
My mom is almost a doctor, she needs to make sure she's one before I need my next shots.
ernest who would appreciate a cake with a file in it
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Today I was super busy and up super busy. I did not go shopping but I was a pacer and cheerer for the Seattle Marathon and Half Marathon. was silly enough to sign up for the race. TH mom was nice enough to take me for several walks that could have taken me on if she wasn't trying to walk/run in a straight line. TH mom took me to mile 7.5 in the Washington Park Arboretum where I am the honorary basset of the Arboretum Foundation. There we served as pacers for as she came through our section. We then took her jacket and handed her a beverage.
I was scritched by many walkers and some runners.
Later, I moved towards the finish line and provided moral support at the end.
I bayed and howled when people started clapping and yelling for the participants.
It was fun.
I am getting ready for my racing season -- the furry 5K, the valentines run and the Whidbey Island Half Marathon.
ernest running with the devil
Friday, November 23, 2007
I could live with this.
I understand from my sister it has snowed already in the 509. I'm hoping that it snows while I'm there, but not before to stop my return to my roots. You know how GWB spends all his time in Crawford fixing fences and eating popcorn while watching old Mayberry episodes? I'll spend my time at Rancho Oxboro trying to deal with issues such as immigration, the farm bill, trade deficits and animal rights. I believe the tv will be off limits.
My mom posted some pictures of me that will appear on my non-partisan non-religious generic holiday greeting that she has offered to send to my blogging friends if you send me an email or peemail if you want, but she can't read it.
my email is ernestpuppy AT gmail Dot communist
I will be happy to personalize all cards and I will not send your addresses to my committee to elect me until after all your holiday bills have been shredded or hidden underneath the doormat.
Ernest who ho ho hos with the best of them
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I will still be in Goldendale as my moms will be returning from gallivanting around Italy.
Anyone want to serve as my logistical coordinator and front person for the East coast?
ernest now looking for a balaclava that does not clash with my coloring
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I have been very busy working on my position papers on various subjects that are important to my consituents.
Phracey has been emailing me and asking me to take stances on Fisheries Enforcement, which is something that is out of the realm of the moms and today, illegal immigration.
That is, the immigration of unwanted cats into Rancho Oxboro.
I am thinking and talking to my advisors.
Its hard work getting ready to run for president, not only do you have to watch what the paparazzi catch you "doing", but you have to form an opinion on thing other than squeakies, cats (wanted and unwanted) and which autumn squash should you try this week.
ernest who hopes to sleep on it
Monday, November 19, 2007
I have managed to stay alive and relatively healthy this past week.
Today I was bathed in preparation for my Thanksgiving Eve speech and pardoning of all turkeys, turkduckens and tofurkeys that I may encounter. I also am forgiving all indiscretions caused by dogs that indulge a little too heavily in stuffing and sweet potatoes. I do smell good and if I pass muster I may get to jump onto grandmere's very light colored couch, when she's not looking.
I celebrated an early Thanksgiving with the moms. I was incarcerated during most of the meal but was allowed to greet my public and scored my own slab of hubbard squash so all is well.
ernest who is thankful each and every day he's allowed to blog
Monday, November 12, 2007
They say that cats have nine lives and dogs have only one. This week I used at least two of some cats and my moms are still reeling....
First, I sampled some mocha butter cream frosting from TH mom's bd cake. Cocoa, butter, caffeine and sugar! Delish in my opinion, could have brought the coffee up a notch and maybe left more on the beater and left the dishwasher open longer so that I could have finished off the beater.
Alas, I was found out and assured TH mom that I was going to be okay.
A few days ago, I was bored and chewed the stupid protective covering of the cord so that I may not hurt those around me. In my very now aggressive chewing, I managed to basically chew the cord in half as well. Yesterday, when reaching for my squeaky, which was now next to the cord that was basically a live wire, I shocked myself, shorted out the lamp, created a little burn in the wood floor (oops), tripped the breaker, singed my whiskers on my left side and freaked the living lights out of the moms.
Needless to say, I'm busted, but at the same time, they are hugging me all the time.
My mama Stephanie said that assasination before I'm president is not such a good idea.
I'm taking it up with my advisor, Mr. Pigeon be gone Owl.
Ernest bringing light to the masses and taking it away
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
I woke up this morning with a cough, kennel cough. Strange as I have been vaccinated.
It appears that on Monday, after I was sprung from lockdown (which has very strict rules about
vaccinations), I was exposed to a puppy at work whose mom knew she had kennel cough and did
not share this information with the T mom.
Needless to say, none of the three of us is amused. and TH mom were going to Kauai this weekend leaving me in lockdown for three days of board, spoil and motivational weight loss training for some lucky dog. Now they are staying home and I am supposed to be quarantined from other dogs for up to 10 days.
They are also worried that in my daily smoochings of my dog friends, including some of my more senior friends, I may have made them sick. I hope not.
Anyone know how to keep me amused for the next ten days?
ernest who is rasping like a two pack a day smoker
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
He is a stealth, sure and expert tracker.
Way to go Jedi!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Hi Everyone!
I managed to keep my ears down during the windstorm. It was great since it generated many sticks! I heart sticks.
I am currently incarcerated at the Academy (aka Lockdown) as the moms are going to Paris to pick up some petunias or pansies or chocolate. I lose track with them.
They promise me something good, but who knows.
Nothing can beat the cool toys that the SUMDs posted for me! and my grandmere brought me last week.
Oh, and if you are reading from the Southland, please take care. I know that us bassets are a low riding lot, but it is nasty scary right now. Grandmere and Grandpere are here and their house down in the LJ is still okay. Tell the guy on the gate you know me and they'll let you in. Just remember, don't pee to close to the pool.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
214 PM PDT THU OCT 18 2007
Translated to:
My ears are flapping in the wind. I am concerned. Send help. Now!
Monday, October 15, 2007
What have I been up to the past week? Really not much.
I am tired of fall already. Hello Winter! Bring on the snow, bring on the heater, bring on visiting my sister. These two moms are boring.
Work, walk me, bend to my will when they can fit it into their schedules, go out of town, walk me, occasionally throw me a bone or three.
TH mom is in Hawaii this week. She says its for work. I am not sure I believe her. I think she took some board shorts and was last screaming kawabunga on her way to the airport.
At least is still here.
Monday, October 08, 2007
It was a holiday for Sophie and for my TH mom, but she worked anyways. I hope that Sophies mom didn't work and was thankful.
I went for a long walk at lunchtime, I played run around, worked on my comebacks, roached in the sun, ate a bisquit by the lake and then took a long nap.
It was the best day I had in a long while. If my had been using her noodle, she would have taken the camera out of her bag and taken some good campaign shots of me.
I am now considering my evening nap locations. As usual my butt will be hanging off the couch, please do not goose me.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I am currently running around like a crazed dog (see previous entry) because I am wet.
I have been very busy this week, mostly by driving everyone around me crazy by being myself. is not being cooperative with me today. She went out and walked/ran a half marathon today and now is not in the mood to be active. I don't know why, its not like I am dragging her on any 13.1 mile walks. I try to only take her .5 miles at time, just 6 times a day.
On the other fronts, the campaign strategising is going well. is trying to convince me it would be poor form to put a donation envelope in my Holiday card. I guess she might be right.
Off to see what meager rations are to be had for dinner. Unlike Wally and Ethel, it is kibble, a bit of sweet potato and maybe cheese for me.
later taters,
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
He came to visit today!
I was so excited to see another dog. The moms are okay, but dogs are better. We ran around and I jumped on top of him and over him.
We ended with some face biting, but I am afraid if you see the pictures, you may not vote for me in the 2008 presidential elections.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
You can now have a goat as pet in Seattle. I am excited. I am hoping that my Christmas stocking has a goat in it. I love all ruminants.
I know that had noticed this fine wine label before, but apparently a winery in Oregon has a wolfhound as a spokesdog. Is that cool or what. remembers that a olive oil/dipping sauce maker in Berkeley has a basset spokesmodel, but its not as distinguished. At least I'm not seem in a toilet drinking avoidance advert.
Interesting article on dogs and wineries here. misses me tons. She keeps on looking for me now that she's back in the United States. She purportedly sent me many postcards, but who really knows. said a squeaky package has arrived from Kerrio and the gang. I am so excited. Why couldn't take those things with her to Greece is beyond me.
ernest, still a puppy, still wishing he was a ram
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The good news is that I am living next to my sister…with the Nobel Spot. and Papa Joe bought a new ram while they were at the Flock and Fiber show. The ram won reserve grand champion at the Navajo-Churro national show after they had bought them. S,mom says that proves she knows what she is looking at. Papa Joe thinks that lucked out. It is totally unfair because Raven, the new ram has a girl friend and I do not get to with my sister. I did tell everybody that it was not fair.
Today on my walk I smelled a skunk! I looked for the skunk but it was not anywhere to be found! I did see the hawk flying low. It was scary.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Phrace has come into season. I need to know if it would be possible that she and I, despite having the same parents are really not related! I think that when the chromosomes split we got a totally different set. Is that possible? I sent an e-mail to and told her that I thought that I might be an alien Basset (after all my birth was not witnessed, so it is possible that I was left by an UFO. I really would like to spend time with Phrace.
and this:
Check this out:
I am worried, very worried
Busy times for young bassets...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
For those keeping track, I am in Goldendale, WA. I am spending time working on my campaign, chasing sheep, getting buff and not eating. I understand the camera packs on the pounds, and frankly, that is not good for my campaign.
My grandmere was upset to hear I was not eating and told to call Mama Stephanie and make sure I had lots of frosty paws. Hear that Mama S? I need frosty paws! Please!
My is leaving tomorrow this is her silly trip for those of you amazed by her ability to pick and up leave me at the drop of a hat. She already was in California this week, nuf said.
I wish she could take me.
I wonder if there is some dog hair on one of her shirts?
TH mom promises to update my blog when she hears something good from Mama Stephanie.
I'll leave you with this one thought?
Why is it always the basset who is pictured in the pet supply catalogs eating stools, drinking out of the toilet and having other unfortunate issues?
That will change with my presidency.
over and out,
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
From Ernest - Notes from the field as transcribed by his Mama Stephanie - proof positive why he should be president.
I was the good dog yesterday! Butter, Lola, Phrace, Uthant, Evita and I all started on our walk yesterday morning. Butter and Evita dropped out early. When we got into the woods we had a great smell. There was a deer in the back. We rallied to determine a plan of action. Just the sight of all that canine brain power persuaded the deer that its life would be better elsewhere and it left. So we continued the walk. We flushed a red tail hawk and I was not afraid.
After a bit Butter rejoined us. Phrace found some body living in the tree! Right inside the middle of the tree. It was making all sorts of terroristic threats. I rapidly appointed Uthant head of the Army and Phrace Secretary of Defense! Then I rushed the old folks (Stephanie, Joe and Butter0 home while travelling with Lola the Secretary of State. We then had had a conference and decided to do a total troop withdrawal. Total time of the war was less than 20 minutes. Pretty darn good! No casualties and the financial cost was somewhat below a billion dollars. We are still looking for oil however!
President Ernest
Sunday, September 09, 2007
I am also teaching my half brother to do studly things, but alas, he is still too little to lift his leg.
All I can say is that three mile walks in the am are the bomb and that at Rancho Oxboro we don't need no stinkin leashes.
Oh, Fred Thompson, you can kiss my grits.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
I am having some issues expressing myself in a gentlemanly manner. No, not that.I am being a perfect gentleman, I just can't seem to find my indoor voice even outside.
Mama Stephanie is not amused.
They are working on techniques to get me to stop being so loud.
I'm just excited to be with my sister!
Oh, the sheep was found. Long live sheep!
smooches in a tiny voice...
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
My TH mom came up with the answers. She can think fast on her feets.
Here are the rules:Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the questions.They must be real places, names, things … nothing made up! You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl name question. If your name happens to start with the same letter as mine, sorry, but you can’t use my answers!
My name: Ernest the puppy
1. Famous Singer: Elvis
2. Four letter word: Eeck
3. Street: Easy Street
4. Colour: eggplant
5. Gifts/Presents: elevator shoes
6. Vehicle: Escape
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: elephant, stuffed, toy
8. Boy Name: Edward
9. Girl Name: Evita
10. Movie Title: East of Eden
11. Drink: Evian
12. Occupation: Enumerator
13. Celebrity: El Vez
14. Magazine: Esquire
15. U.S. City: Evanston, Ill.
16. Pro Sport: eating pies
17. Fruit: elderberries
18. Reason for Being Late for Work: escaped buffalo on the road
19. Something You Throw Away: e-vites
20. Things You Shout: eeeegads
21. Cartoon Character: Elly Patterson (For Better or For Worse)
I'm tagging the General, Casper, and Mac.
Smooches from the 509!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
I'll be gone for a while, but I have planned many blogging topics and should have Mama Stephanie keep the moms in news of my exploits at Rancho Oxboro.
One thing I did not do, was lose the sheep.
Come back sheep!
Monday, August 27, 2007
I'm good to go according to my physician. I weigh 49.4 lbs with harness on and with a semi empty stomach. I guess you could say that I'm about three bisquits short of 50 lbs.
Damn skippy.
My is in DC puportedly attending very important meetings about whatever she does to keep us in kibble. I am hoping that she's going to do some scouting for my housing options. I'm not sure that I want to live in the White House until its defumigated from the current regime. She promised me to bring home tomorrow's Post so that I can read the good news of Gonzales' departure myself.
Well, I should get back to checking the emergency exits.
My mom has been very busy and not blogging. She apologizes, my new basset enabled keyboard is on its way.
Other than having to wear a warm coat for a photo op, I have:
- graduated from basic obedience with flying colors
- started to behave a little better
- taken moms on lots of walks
- barked at cooling chutney
- arranged for a visit with my phracey, lolo and nobel spot
- picked blackberries for phracey
- gotten to see my grandmere and grand pere and received squeaky toys that I love
- put into short time lock down (think nicole richie) for attempting to taste walnut levain with a nice goat cheese
- refused a walk at 5:15 am because wanted to give T mom a break since she's leaving me for a t-r-i-p this week
This week should be good, except for the tooth inspection this am. I have to go to my physician to see her and show her my gnashers, get some shots, cookies and my general examination. I like my vet, the moms have a bet as to my weight.
Your guess is as good as theirs.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Today we discussed presidential duties while taking our seventeen walks.
Basically, to be president I have to be willing to go down the stairs I am happy to walk up.
I need to work on this.
Ditto for other things, like allowing my cabinet and staff to go on vacation and not let it bother me. I think that as president, it is good to take naps, but not necessarily take 3 weeks off to prod cattle and harass sheep when say, the economy is taking a nosedive.
Just saying....
etp in 2008
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Before I got into trouble on Monday, the moms took me blueberry picking on Sunday.
I was not as enthralled as last year, but I amused myself none the less.
I am still on probation with
I hope she will forgive me soon.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Today I ate my's glasses while she was in the shower. I am a bit remorseful after she started crying and then cursed me to Bulgaria and back.
Apparently they were able to put on new ear pieces, but looks like she's getting new frames and lenses. The lenses cost as much a round trip ticket to DC without a Saturday night stay.
I have been offered asylum in both Berkshire with the SUMDs and in Salt Lake City with my friend Katie.
I guess she won't offer to take me frame shopping.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I was very good today. I went to the U. Village where I was well behaved at the pet store and was rewarded with a new toy. I was patient at the Kiehl's store where oohed and aahed at the new self tanners.
Hey mom, get a clue and just go to the park with me!
I even managed to slide into a hoity toity store and get a drink of water. I like a place that has dog bowls in the store. even spent more on her camera because they let me into the store.
The best part of today was my post-work pre dinner walk. I saw the twins! Two sister spaniels that are a little younger than me. I love them and try and woo them with my good looks and manners. It sometimes works. Today it sort of worked. I think their mom was ready to go home and order pizza.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
I really sing when she leaves.
T.Hmom is not amused.
However, imagine how good I'll be at the hunt. is back, I am so happy I took her for a walk.
I did ignore her the first fifteen minutes she got home. There was a bone and that is better than any human.
Today I also got my first wasp bite. My nose is lopsided.